Herschel/SPIRE Infrared Astronomy Schools Ask an Astronomer Media
Quicktime Video:

The Astronomical Instrumentation Group at the University of Lethbridge:
Click here for a short introduction of some of the group members and projects,
courtesy of the Science Alberta Foundation's website

Screenshots taken from the Astronomical Instrumentation Group video

The Canadian involvement in the Herschel/SPIRE mission
Click here to watch a short overview of the Herschel mission and Canada's
involvement in the SPIRE project.

Screenshots taken from the Herschel/SPIRE video

Activities / Games:


Image Galleries:

Set A:

  • Herschel
  • Far Infrared Observatories
  • The SPIRE Instrument
  • Canadian Contribution
    to SPIRE
  • The Herschel Family

Set B:

  • Infrared Astronomy
  • Tools for Infrared Astronomy
  • Research Topics in
    Infrared Astronomy
  • Recipe For Making a Star




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